"Casa Loca", as Spanish residents sometimes say, comes to life.
We live in double or single rooms with private bathrooms and share the kitchens on each floor. As a result, you see your roommates every day. This is good, because that's the place where your social life takes place. Strangers become friends after hours of kitchen "talk". Especially in summer, many prefer the rooftop terrace or the garden for BBQs.
But also outside the dormitory, students live in paradise. Innsbruck doesn't score as a metropolis, but the city has charm: the compactness is an advantage. On foot or by bike you're fast everywhere. Of course, what literally stands out above all, are the mountains. The city is surrounded by mighty mountain ranges that are perfect for skiing and hiking.
30% of the inhabitants of Innsbruck are students, so every day of the week you can do what students like most: drink and party ;)
But what remains are the many (international) people and memories - a lot of students come from the Erasmus exchange program. For many it's the first time with such an intensive contact with people from other nations, but everybody notices quickly how similar we all are.
Many students come in their early twenties, the first time away from home. Here you'll meet an incredible number of like-minded people. The people at home4students Rössl in the Au share the same thought: being away from home and having a great time! Therefore, it's not quiet for a long time...
What happens in the Rössl, stays in the Rössl.
There are always great events and trips that are organized together. Hiking to the the Höttinger Alm or doing the via ferrata over the summits of the Nordkette (see photo above). Snow boots in the lobby during winter are part of everyday life, even the Ampelmännchen (traffic signals) are shown with ski and snowboard.
This semester, we planned 3 ski trips to the best ski areas in Austria (I've already made a video of one of them!). Up to 80 people from the dormitory came together.
Many of the students say it's the best time of their lives, here they find their best friends and of course a little bit of love : P
PS: One student loved her time here so much, she even got a tattoo of the Nordkette (mountain rige), another got a tattoo of her room number. The home4students student life gets under your skin...