Abenddämmerung in Salzburg

Salzburg city tips from Ambassador Leonardo

I am living in the worldwide famous “city of Music” at home4students Glockengasse since September, so I’ve been in a lot of cool places that I want to share with you, together with some tips that could make your journey more enjoyable!

5 Personen lächeln in die Kamera

Salzburg tips from Leonardo part 2

Hi everyone! Are you still curious about little tips of places in which you can have delicious breakfasts or funny dinners? Follow me!

Life @ home4students Höttinger Au

“Rössl in the Au” or simply “Rössl” is at first glance a normal dormitory: 229 spots, 6 floors and centrally located. However, as more and more young people from many nations move in, you realize: something is different.

sonnige Außenaufnahme Döblinger Hauptstraße

Food Tour @ Döblinger Hauptstraße

The home4students dormitory in the 19th district Döbling is placed on a big street (Döblinger Hauptstraße). Living there has a lot of advantages.

Studentenheim Sensengasse

Surroundings home4students Sensengasse

Hey, it’s me again, Steffi. I live in the home4students dorm Sensengasse in Vienna since September 2017. Find out, what I can recommend doing around our dorm in the 9th district.

Dorm life

My experiences as a resident at home4students Höttinger Au